5 products
#farbe_rock | wetterbeständige Aerlig Winterjacke Damen dunkelgrau
Aerlig Winter Jacket Women
Sale price170,00 €
#farbe_timber | wetterfeste Kaern Winterjacke Damen in braun
Kaern Winter Jacket Women
Sale price180,00 €
easy bag access
#farbe_dusty beige
Windbreaker Women
Sale price100,00 €
easy bag access
#farbe_deep wine
Vest Women
Sale price80,00 €
#farbe_cloud white | windabweisende Regenjacke für Damen in hellgrau
Rain Jacket Women
Sale price180,00 €

Cycling jackets and vests for women

Function and style combined

There is nothing more unpleasant than being surprised by changeable weather while driving. Whether you're traveling solo or with your friends - with our cycling jackets and cycling vests you'll not only look good, but you'll also be optimally protected. We understand that your cycling jacket should support you at every moment. Regardless of whether you want to achieve top performance on a racing bike or ride a gravel bike off the road.

for many applications

Versatile cycling jacket for women

Our women's cycling jackets are both stylish and functional to ensure the perfect balance between form and function:

✔️ breathable and elastic

✔️ water and wind resistant

✔️ lightweight materials

✔️ loose or snug fit

✔️ High neckline and collar

✔️ Reflective elements on chest and back

Radjacken für Damen im Winter und Herbst

Cycling jackets for women in winter and autumn

Performance independent of temperature

Our robust Aerlig Winter Jacket Women is specially designed for cold days below 10 °C and protects you when riding with a wind- and water-repellent outer material. The inner material with effective honeycomb technology keeps you equally warm. In addition, an elastic waistband ensures a stable hold, so that your cycling jacket fits perfectly and doesn't slip while you ride.

If you're on your road bike or gravel bike even in adverse weather conditions, the inner fleece vest of the Kaern Winter Jacket Women will keep you warm and get you safely through the cold season on and off the bike. Our winter cycling jackets are designed in such a way that Depending on how cold you feel, you stay protected even on demanding rides at around -5 °C.

Our Rain Jacket Women is available as an alternative in changeable and rainy weather. It reliably protects you from rain, while thermally bonded seams prevent water from penetrating. If it's windy outside, our Windbreaker Women and Vest Women will support you in changeable weather, fast descents or in the cool of dawn.

Eine Radfahrerin, die ihre Winterjacke anzieht.

Radjacken für Minusgrade

Schutz vor Kälte

Wenn du auch bei widrigen Witterungsbedingungen auf dem Rennrad oder Gravel Bike unterwegs bist, hält dich die innenliegende Fleece-Weste der Kaern Winter Jacket Women warm und bringt dich sicher durch die kalte Jahreszeit auf und neben dem Rad. Unsere Winter Radjacken sind so konzipiert, dass du je nach Kälteempfinden selbst bei anspruchsvollen Fahrten bis in die Minusgrade geschützt bleibst.

#farbe_cloud white | windabweisende Regenjacke für Damen in hellgrau

Radjacken gegen Nässe

Dem Regen trotzen

Als Alternative bei wechselhaftem und regnerischem Wetter steht dir unsere Rain Jacket Women zur Verfügung. Sie schützt dich zuverlässig vor Regen, während thermisch verklebte Nähte verhindern, dass Wasser eindringen kann. Ist es draußen einmal windiger, unterstützen dich unsere Windbreaker Women und Vest Women bei wechselhaftem Wetter, schnellen Abfahrten oder im kühlen Morgengrauen. 

Universal cycling jackets for women

Women's cycling jackets for all challenges

Do you love going off-road on your gravel bike or is racing cycling your passion? Our women's cycling jackets are reliable companions both on the road and off-road. No matter what you prefer: our versatile cycling jackets and cycling vests will support you in every challenge.

Rennradjacken für Damen

With our road bike jackets for women

Stylish & minimalist on the bike

Our road bike jackets are lightweight so you can easily layer them over other layers of clothing. This makes them ideal companions for your next racing bike, tracking or gravel tour.

Thought technical features and functionality compromised style? Let our road bike jackets for women convince you otherwise. They not only offer you performance, but are also characterized by timeless elegance and a minimalist look . Choose from a variety of colors and designs such as dusty beige, pale olive, clay, sand or classic black. Equip yourself with your favorite design today.

Would you rather put together a complete outfit for your next ride? Browse our cycling clothing sets for women and save up to 24% on your matching cycling outfit!

Optimally equipped with a cycling jacket for women

Enjoy cycling to the fullest

It's important to us that your shopping experience is as smooth as your trips. A simple ordering process and fast delivery ensure that you get back on the bike quickly. Our minimalist concept for women's cycling jackets has already convinced many women. Become part of a lively community and take part in our shared crew rides with your functional women's cycling jacket!